Me: "You know what I dreamed about doing last night?"
Him: (creeped out, puzzled look) "uh, what?"
Me: "Painting the trim chocolatey brown and the door blue."
Me: (pondering in the back of brain for a while) "!!HEY!! I can paint craft paper, stick it on the door, and we can see what tardis blue on the door would look like for reals!!" (insert my so- not-cool - super - genius dance here. (it was epic, btw))
I'd show a picture through the screen door with this up, but the sun is behind the house at this point, and all you can see in a pic is the glass reflecting either the street or the flash. But it does make a pretty good representation of what the final product would look like. |
Seeing as there's a screen door on the front, just slapping some paint on some craft paper after getting it in my best approximation of Tardis blue from memory in a $3 sample can and masking-taping it to the door *should* give us a pretty good look at what the door will be like if we do this. Or should I say, if *I* do this. I found plenty of digital paint simulators online, but most of the only do the interior rooms, and the two I found for Exteriors, well, they showed the brown trim very well, but failed miserably when it came time to show the blue door. So, since he's at the range today, he will come home to seeing what the door will look like in blue, probably have a serious WTF moment, and then I can monolog about my ingenious idea. >:)
nothing I did made it look both blue and not like a blind toddler with chalk went at that door. But the trim looks pretty realistic. Not bad for covering over crazy-magenta.
So how'd it go? ;-)