Friday, August 16, 2013

Shopping (& hopefully spending) less

I have finally gotten my stuff together!

I have chosen my menu selections for 2 weeks. (Thank you to my Casey for his assistance!)

I made my list of every ingredient needed, even flour & sugar!

I went through freezer, pantry, & cabinets & checked off what I already had!

Tonight, I shop! If it's not on the list, I am NOT buying it! Really, I mean it!

But I also have baskets for my pantry. I WILL be throwing out junk tomorrow!

And prepping as much as humanly possible to get supper down to 30 min cook time or less! I am going to bake, chop, fry, & freeze breakfast foods for the week.

No more pop-tarts & cold cereal! (Though I have recipes for homemade pop-tarts & cereal bars, so it's not like I'm going all crazy or anything).

I will not go to the store for ANYTHING (except bread or milk-I'm not brave enough to freeze milk, & the bread store is on the way home) for 2 weeks.

Now wish me luck! I'm gonna do a before/after shot of the pantry later!

(And I'm going to start blogging here, & just linking it to my tumblr. That way it still feeds to FB w/out all of my stuff needing changed, but the content is combined with my BFF's!!)

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